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The Hanging Gardens of Babylon is listed as one of the 7 Wonders of the Ancient World. Unfortunately, like most of the other wonders on the list, it no longer exists. But from the description found in ancient Greek and Roman texts, it must have been a wondrous place. Now you too can bring a little piece of this wonder of the ancient world into your home and create your very own personal hanging gardens with the Babylon Lamp.

The Babylon Lamp combines a light fixture with a planter made from powder coated aluminum. It is a simple design that is meant to highlight the plants and not the light fixture itself. The planter itself is about 16 inches across and is suitable for a herb garden and other small plants.

Create your very own hanging garden your center table of a hanging herb garden for your kitchen. Combine a few Babylon Lamps together for an even greater effect especially for a larger room.

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