Buy from Egoé

Camper fans in the US can now rejoice. Prior to this, if you wish to turn your everyday ride into a weekend camper, it is a costly and time consuming task. It usually means custom building and fitting everything. Furthermore, most conversions are permanent. There is no turning back.

In Europe, this is not the case as there are ready built solutions for all kinds of vehicles. You can pick choose from a variety of camper-in-a-box options. These kits easily transform your ride into a camper and back again. The Egoé Nestbox is one such solution and they produce systems for a number of different vehicles. If you have been eyeing one of these, you are in luck. Egoé is bringing over some of their kits to the US.

Egoé Nestbox
Egoé Nestbox

For a start, they are bringing over the Nextbox Camper. The Camper is smallest and newest kit from Egoé. It is designed for popular European wagons, crossovers and SUVs models including the Land Rover Discovery 4, Subaru Forester and Volvo XC60. Of more interest, Egoé has teased a photo of a Jeep Wrangler with a Egoé Nestbox installed.

The Egoé Nestbox have different versions that come with a wide range of features. However, most models do come with a cooking stove, a washing sink plus a removable bed that sleeps two adults. The version for the Jeep Wrangle seems to be the larger Supertramp series or a version of it. This version will most likely include a space for fitting in a small refrigerator.

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