An iPhone Skin Made of Concrete


Do you want a truly unique and one of a kind look for your iPhone 5/5s? Does an iPhone skin that is made out of concrete sound unique enough for you? If yes then you may be interested in the Luna Concrete iPhone 5/5s Skin by Posh Craft.

Posh Craft claims that the Luna Concrete skin made entirely out of concrete. While it looks a lot like bare concrete it is actually pretty thin and flexible. The skin sticks to the back of the iPhone and gives it a truly unique look.

Luna Concrete

The Luna Concrete skin has pock marks and dimples all over it. Before you start shipping it back as a defective product, the imperfections are made on purpose and are supposed to mimic the craters on a lunar landscape, hence the name “Luna Concrete”. The markings on each skin is random and unique. When you buy the Luna Concrete iPhone 5/5s Skin by Posh Craft, you are really getting a one-of-a-kind skin unique product.



Where to Buy Luna Concrete iPhone 5/5s Skin by Posh Craft


Luna Concrete iPhone 5/5s Skin by Posh Craft

The Luna Concrete iPhone 5/5s Skin is made entirely out of concrete and features one-of-a-kind crater-like voids and imperfections on its surface.

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