Travelling long distance with a baby can be quite a challenge especially for meal times. The Prince Lionheart On-the-Go Bottle Warmer is designed for warming up a feeding bottle without the need for a power source or batteries. This makes sure that the baby gets a warm meal on schedule.

The Prince Lionheart On-the-Go Bottle Warmer uses heating packs that must be boiled for about 10 to 15 minutes prior to being used. The heating packs contain a chemical that retains heat. When you need to use the bottle warmer, it needs to be activated. A chemical reaction releases the stored heat and heats up the baby bottle or food jar.

The Prince Lionheart On-the-Go Bottle Warmer comes with an insulated  bag that holds the bottle as it is being heated up. It takes about 20 to 30 minutes to warm a bottle from room temperature. Although the bottle warmer requires some planning before hand, not having to rely on a power source or a normal thermal flask that doesn’t retain heat that long makes it a winner. The heating packs are reusable. Just reboil them and store them for the next trip.


Where to Buy Prince Lionheart On-the-Go Bottle Warmer


Prince Lionheart On-the-Go Bottle Warmer

Reusable On-the-Go Bottle Warmer is an instant heat source anywhere, warming Baby bottles and Baby food jars while on the go, no power source needed!

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