Pssst. Have you heard of the world’s best bath mat? It comes from Japan. And it is entirely made of soil. Well, not any normal type of soil of course. It is known by its Japanese name of keisodo or its scientific name diatomaceous earth. Doesn’t matter if you have never heard of either but this material is super water absorbent because it has microscopic holes that are super porous and deodorizing as well. The Soil Bath Mat are extremely popular in Japan and is sold out almost everywhere. Not only is it perfect as a bath mat but it feels real good to your feet as well.
Diotomaceous earth is made from tiny fossilized plants so when you stand on a Soil Bath Mat, you are standing on millions of years of history. We are not sure if that is what makes it feels so good to step on but it is extremely fun to feel the water being sucked right off your feet as you stand on the mat. The water absorption properties of the Soil Bath Mat surpasses anything before this.

The micro pores also allow the Soil Bath Mat to dry up extremely fast through natural evaporation. You can literally see the mat drying up the moment you step off it.
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